Saturday, 11 July 2009

Reclaim Bank Charges

Greedy banks are taking money from millions of their customers world wide, you are not obligated to pay. If if have a direct debit bounce back for insificient funds, then the bank will charge you for this, which they are not untitled to.

You can reclaim the last six years worth of bank charges. The reason you can claim is because bank charges are unlawful. Banks should only impose charges which are in proportion to their costs. Under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations the charge should not exceed the cost to the bank.

If you go beyond your overdraft limit or have a cheque or direct debit payment bounce, the banks charge up to £39 even if you’re only £1 over the limit. All the bank does is sent an autmated letter which costs only between £1 and £3.

That is the argument and it will stand ina court of law. If you request the money back from the banks, they will give it back, as they know if you take them to court they will lose and will incur court charges but anything else you want to throw into the case. Maybe you suffered alot of stress for the money they took from you? That should be worth a few thousand pounds.

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