Saturday, 11 July 2009

Reduce Monthly Expenses

With the global resession kicking in, individuals and families across the world are suffering more than businesses. We all need to tighten our belts and try to spread what little money we have each month finely over the essentials.

So what do we need to pay for and what luxuries are just.. luxuries?

First things to do is reduce direct debits!

Do you need satelite tv with all the channels? Probably not. Either get rid of it altogether or drop down to a smaller and cheaper package. Drop this from $80 to $30 now!

Cell phone deals should only cover what you use. Do you really use 1000 minutes and 1000 texts a month? You can easily drop this from $40 to $10 a month.

Don't make expensive Long distance phone calls which can cost up to $1 a minute (it adds up!). Use Skype for free! Convince your family and friends to install Skype on their PC and get a webcam and mic. Congradulations, you saved yourself and your friends and family, $50 a month.

Save electricity by turning your thermostat down (17c is warm enough in winter) and if you get cold put on a jumper! Turn lights off when you leave the room and only use lights if its dark. Turn the applicances and other electrical devices off at the wall. This includes the TV and PC. You could save yourself $100 a month this way. I do this and my electricity bill was $10 a month for the last 3 months of winter.

Cancel nonessential spending such as gym memberships, subscriptions and services.

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